Regardless of singing the a-b-c's to her in the way I learned while growing up I am still open to new ideas, so when my sister Jae (who writes "Stinky Angels") suggested the "Sesame Street - African Alphabet Song" version, I played it for Juliette...
FYI - this song can hush a fussy baby in less than 30 seconds (it is 1 minute 52 seconds long and quietly mesmerizing; after playing it about 10 times in a row so she and I could learn the words and sing along, she finally ate her liquid lunch and fell asleep)
... *singing quietly* Amazing, Beautiful, Creatures Dancing, Excitement, Forest Glade, in my, Heartfelt, I do, Jump like the, Kudu, Listening to the Music so Nicely Organ Played, Quietly, Rests the, Sleepy Tiger, Under the Vine tree at the, Waterside, and X marks the place neath the, Yellow moon where the, Zulu chief and i did hide....