Here's me at week 30... (I got an e-mail from babycenter.com to remind me how big I was getting and how much bigger I should expect.. good news is, my weight has stayed pretty much the same since day 1 and that means, baby is growing, but I am not adding any more to my fat storage, yay!).
You know... they say enjoy your pregnancy cuz it only lasts a little while. They also say be sure to be ready for the baby (as if you could be ready for any contingency). so what have I been doing? Beading. Not so much a contingency plan, but it keeps my mind busy when I am not reading blogs. So in it's best form it's a relaxing hobby and it tests not only your creativity, but your patience. I keep thinking, "how can i continue beading after the baby is born". Not all mommies to be (or mommies in general) enjoy beading... my sister decided to bake cookies (take a look at her blog - especially the article
"accidental housewifery").
So I have made a bunch of items, just for fun... and a few that I have given as gifts. Here are a couple examples of my latest work.